Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Letter J Show and Tell- Dec. 4

Check our our Letter J Show and Tell Items:



Jump rope 

Jump rope 

Jumper cables 




Jar of Jam 

Jump rope 


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Five Senses Taste Test- Dec. 2

Today we did a Taste Test, to end our look at the Five Senses.  Each student today sampled 7 different items.  After they tasted each item, they had to decide if the item was sweet, sour, salty or bitter.  The items the students tasted were honey, baking chocolate, grapefruit, potato chips, peanut butter, crackers and apples.  At the end of our taste test today, the students voted about which item was their favorite tasting and which item they thought tasted the worst.  The students votes showed that potato chips were the favorite and the baking chocolate was the least favorite.  I was busy cutting and handing out the samples but I did manage to capture a few pictures of our taste test.

Peighton's reaction to the baking chocolate.  

Meredith's reaction to the taste of the baking chocolate. 

Zeke trying the grapefruit. 

Lily enjoying her cracker. 

Davis gave the apple a thumbs up. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from the MCS Kindergarten Class.  :)

Letter I Show and Tell - Nov. 20

A book that starts with I

Ink Pen 



Book that starts with I 




Ink Pen 




Iron Man 

Ice Cream 


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Letter H Show and Tell - Nov. 13

Xavier's Hobby Horse

Peighton's Horse

Meredith's Honey

Mason's Hammer

Jackson's Heart

Lily's Horse

Grayson's Hackey Sack

Davis's Hat

Denis's Harley Sign

Lily's Hat

Bryanna's Heart

Kendal's Hat

Luke's Heart

Ethan's Hot Wheel
Julia's Heart

Thursday, November 12, 2015

DeGraaf Nature Center - Nov. 11

On Wednesday Nov. 11, both of the MCS Kindergarten classes visited DeGraaf Nature Center in Holland to learn more about what animals do in Michigan to prepare for winter.  During their visit, the students were able to meet some new animal friends and take a hike through the woods, to see some signs of animal life.  The students said that their favorite parts were meeting the animals and having their parents join us for the afternoon.  We didn't get very many pictures, but here are a few of our visit to the nature center.