Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Five Senses Taste Test- Dec. 2

Today we did a Taste Test, to end our look at the Five Senses.  Each student today sampled 7 different items.  After they tasted each item, they had to decide if the item was sweet, sour, salty or bitter.  The items the students tasted were honey, baking chocolate, grapefruit, potato chips, peanut butter, crackers and apples.  At the end of our taste test today, the students voted about which item was their favorite tasting and which item they thought tasted the worst.  The students votes showed that potato chips were the favorite and the baking chocolate was the least favorite.  I was busy cutting and handing out the samples but I did manage to capture a few pictures of our taste test.

Peighton's reaction to the baking chocolate.  

Meredith's reaction to the taste of the baking chocolate. 

Zeke trying the grapefruit. 

Lily enjoying her cracker. 

Davis gave the apple a thumbs up. 

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